Posted on Monday, March 27 2006 @ 17:40 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Last week Microsoft made Steven Sinofsky, a veteran executive from the Office business software segment, the head of the Windows division. This will bring a cultural change:
Sinofsky comes to the Windows group, which has not shipped a new product in nearly five years, with a reputation within Microsoft as an effective taskmaster and a track record of on-time new software releases delivered in regular intervals.
Jeff Raikes, president of Microsoft's business division who oversees the Office team, sees a larger impact from Sinofsky's appointment and his managerial skills will create an efficient organization with the ability to develop new leaders and deploy resources.
"Those will be great cultural enhancements," Raikes told Reuters in a telephone interview from Convergence 2006, Microsoft's conference for its Business Solutions unit. "I'm very confident that this is the best move for our company."
Sinofsky replaces Jim Allchin, who announced last year that he will retire once Windows Vista was complete. More info over at