Posted on Thursday, April 06 2006 @ 0:11 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer today corrects a mistake, the upcoming ATI R580+ GPU is not an 80nm chip, it will still be 90nm.
We learned from a multiple sources that the next R580+ is still 90 nanometre. It won't be a die shrink at all but ATI will redesign the chip and make it more powerful than it is now.
This probably implies a bigger die and a higher clock all with the goal to beat the Nvidia's offering. The rest of the information stands. It is still a Shader Model 3.0 card with Avivo support, native PCIe and a Crossfire support as well. You will still need to bridge this card but this will be the last one that will need an external connector.
The R580+ will sample in July and ATI hopes to start selling them in August.