Posted on Thursday, April 13 2006 @ 9:05 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer learned ATI's next-generation RV516 GPU is going to be produced on UMC's 90nm process.
ATI is doing an interesting process transition, as it first wants to move the mid-range segment to an 80nm process before later following with its high-end and entry-level chips. ATI doesn’t need another chip fiasco as it had enough troubles getting the 90 nanometre process right.
We learned that UMC is embracing graphics chip companies and offering favourable deals to produce their chips at its fabs. Certainly the fab has done enough to woo ATI away from rival fab TSMC.
The RV516 is almost the same as the Radeon X1300 (RV515) and will arrive in June.