The E6700, which is a 2.67GHz chip with 4MB of cache and a 1066 front side bus will cost $529 while the E6600, a 2.40GHz version will cost $315. The other two members of the Intel Cointreau family have 2MB of cache apiece, with the E6400 (2.13GHz) costing $240, while the E6300 (1.86GHz) will cost $210.At the end of May the company will also cut prices of its Celeron processors. More info over here.
On the 30th of April, Intel will introduce the 800MHz bus 960 chip, priced at $531. The next slated price cuts are on the 23rd of April, with the 950, the 940, the 930 and the 920 all dropping in price. The price for these old warrior will fall further when the Conroe processors make their debut on the world's stage.
Intel Conroe processor prices
Posted on Thursday, April 20 2006 @ 18:24 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck