Two years ago, North America was responsible for more than half of the world's spam, Sophos said. Now North and South America combined don't come close to Asia's percentage, said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at the security provider.The top three on a country-by-country basis is: U.S. (23.1%), China and Hong Kong (21.9%) and South Korea (9.8%). Read on over at CNET.
Cluley added that Europe is also becoming a major relayer of spam and now transmits almost as much as North America, with 25 percent. "I won't be surprised if Europe overtakes North America next month," he said.
U.S. and China are the top spammers
Posted on Monday, April 24 2006 @ 5:07 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
According to a recent study from Sophos about 42.8 percent of spam comes from Asia, with North America in second place with 25.6 percent.