Posted on Friday, May 05 2006 @ 1:18 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
USA Today heard from Marissa Mayer that Google is going to make a couple of big announcements on Wednesday at the annual Google Press Day.
Not long after, I asked her why Google doesn't have more vertical offerings, like for health. Those tend to give users better results in a specific area. Like, now if you type "knees" into Google, on the first page you get an article from Arthritis Today, a British site called Kneeguru, and another site with a subtitle of "Kink Notes by a Pansexual Polyfetishist." But we won't go there.
Anyway, Marissa then said, "Health is an interesting one -- keep your eye out for that next week." But that was about it. Considering that hint, though, an announcement of a Google Health site seems a good bet. Rumors about just such a site have been bouncing around the Web on sites such as SearchEngineWatch.