An alternative could be ABS Computer Technologies' triple screen solution based on the Matrox TripleHead2Go.You can view it over here.
By combining the screen area of three 19" monitors, TripleHead2Go opens a spanned screen area of 3840 by 1024 pixels (almost 4 Mpixel!), which requires massive graphics processing power to enable a smooth gameplay experience. We recently visited the offices of ABS Computer Technologies, where James Lee and Samuel Gao demonstrated a triple monitor setup to us and explained the challenges of building a quad-SLI system.
ABS Triple Screen Solution tested
Posted on Sunday, May 07 2006 @ 12:01 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
TG Daily has tested the ABS triple monitor solution which helps you get the most out of a Quad SLI system without needing to get a 24" or 30" LCD display: