Posted on Friday, May 19 2006 @ 12:00 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
ARS Technica noticed the new MacBook from Apple features a glossy LCD display and has a rant on this type of screens:
As for reason number one, that glossy displays are "better" than matte-finish displays, I must rule by fiat. For any reasonable definition of "better" that I can think of, the answer is a big, fat, "no." Maybe you don't think glare is an issue. Maybe you always view the screen head-on in perfectly diffuse lighting. Maybe you think the benefits of the glossy screen outweigh the drawbacks. Whatever the reason, we'll just have to agree to disagree on this issue. You can probably stop reading now.
Now we come to reason number three: people are idiots. Put another way, people like shiny things. When the glossy screens first started to appear in Best Buy and CompUSA, the contrast with their non-glossy brethren was striking. Walking into the laptop aisle, your eye was immediately drawn to the glossy displays. Aside from the shine, there's also a perceptible difference in sharpness and color saturation on glossy screens. These things stand out.
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