Posted on Monday, May 29 2006 @ 7:17 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Dell is planning to fix the glitch which occurs on some of its widescreen LCD displays:
Some vocal Dell customers have lit up forums, both at Dell's site and elsewhere, complaining about an image-quality issue with the new 20-inch 2007WFP widescreen LCD monitor. Today a spokesperson said the company has heard the complaints and is moving to correct the issue.
The problem--which appears to be impacting only the $459 2007WFP--causes noticeable banding lines to appear where there should be smooth transitions from a light to darker color. Dell's Philip Ventimiglia, corporate director of displays marketing, says the issue stems from the monitor's active color management chip, which lets you choose from one of three viewing modes: desktop, multimedia, and gaming.
More details at
Pc World.