Wednesday News

Posted on Wednesday, February 19 2003 @ 9:31 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck

Mad Dog Multimedia Raptor Geforce 4 Ti 4200 Video Card Review
Throughout testing the card has run numerous benchmarks overclocked without a single crash, lockup or reboot. I have been gaming and testing with it now for about 12+ hours and it has been flawless
Review Link : 3dXtreme

R.A.C.H.A.L Computer Exhaust System
The R.A.C.H.A.L is a fairly simple but unique concept. Hot air is funneled from an 80mm exhaust fan on your computer through a wall out of the room. The room temperature will decrease as the hot air inside of the computer is extracted to another room

Review Link : A True Review

KingWin 450WABK PSU
Kingwin was one of the first companies to introduce a power supply with three separate cooling fans and we proudly featured that review here on Club Overclocker. Now they have raised the ante and wish to highlight another unit within the silence series of power supplies, the KWI-450WABK. Choosing between a Black or Silver chassis (The KWI-450WAS) is the only hard decision to make when choosing a Divine Power silence power supply. Divine: of, relating to, or proceeding directly from God or a god. Power: a source or means of supplying energy; especially electricity. (Definitions taken from Webster's Dictionary).
Review Link : ClubOC

Antec Lanboy
With all the many various case designs coming out it seems one market has been missed, the Lan users. Antec has a new case called the LanBoy that is geared specifically to Lan users. With it's lightweight all-aluminum contruction, relatively small size and the included carrying strap it seems to be perfect not only for Lan users but also for those who need to move their system around. It even has a nice side window and a compartment in the rear for various hardware.

Review Link : PC" target="_blank">PCAbusers

Xport1 Laser Etched Window Kits Review
Whether you are a new or more experienced modder, let’s face it – square windows are BORING. Even I wouldn’t hesitate to place one of these great looking windows in my case. Aside from the one accidentally missed shiny edge and molding mishap, these windows showed no sign of disregard or downgraded quality whosoever. This is a great way to turn a boring square cut into something spectacular which doesn’t require any additional Dremel experience! Each kit purchased from sells for $20.00 and includes the molding, instructions and great looking etched piece of acrylic.

Review Link : TwistedMods

Soltek SL-75FRN L mobo review
It is a hard thing to imagine; something so important like the motherboard now being the least expensive, but advances in technology and manufacturing have brought costs down and lower than most of the other case components have in the last few years. However inexpensive motherboards have become, you generally get what you pay for - as the annoying saying goes. In the case of Soltek, a small outlay of revenue will go a long way. The Soltek SL-75FRN L nForce2 motherboard packs a solid punch, delivers on flashy esthetics, and includes several potent features

Review Link : EnvyNews

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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