Teflon Tape
In conclusion I believe that this tape is worth your $5 or less, especially if you are looking for the ultimate slickness without dishing out another $15 for a mouse pad. A great and cheap gift for any of your geek game playing friend's or relatives

Review Link : Geekshelter
Ever heard of Sexwax for surf boards? Well, this is Mousewax for computer mice – pretty much the same thing, Mousewax tremendously reduces friction on your mouse’s Teflon feet and provide the smoothest pad-glide this side of Neptune. The downside – it needs to be applied frequently, but so does Sexwax on your ‘board... Here’s a snip:
“Competition gaming has been on the upswing lately and the tools it takes just to survive have been stacking up left and right. Special add-ons put movement and selection keys in easier-to-manage locations, mice have almost as many buttons and options as a good game pad, and there are more kinds of mouse pads than you can shake a stick at. Frankly, most of the items and accessories available are really good. Unfortunately, they do not take care of the one thing that many gamers need to take their skills to the next level: there is no way to break the laws of nature. That is, until now.”

Review Link : EnvyNews
Cold Cathode and Flexiglow Cable™ Kits
the rich and vibrant red produced by the cathode is easily one of the best I have owned and one I have yet to see bettered

Review Link : The ModFathers
Platinum XP Case
Ok, so cases are cases are cases. They are the big beige boxes that house the performance parts of your PC. There is one question that has always been lurking in my mind, and that is "Why do these boxes have to look so ugly?" Well, there has been a movement in the computer case market these days, and it is moving towards aesthetic appeal. Ahanix has followed this movement with their cases. Today, we will be looking at their Platinum XP case courtesy of KoolCases.

Review Link : The Tech Lounge
ADPmods Ultimate Lapping Kit with Glass Review
There are a total of 6 included sheets of wet/dry sandpaper ranging from 600 grit to 2000 grit to be used throughout the different stages of the lapping process. Each piece of sandpaper has been cut into 1/4 sheets for use with the glass plate. The included glass plate ensures to provide a perfectly flat surface when lapping. I did note some rather rough cut edges and users should take caution when handling this piece as covered in the instruction and tip sheet. Also included is a small bag of 10,000 grit polishing compound to be used after the final 2000 grit sanding process

Review Link : MTB