Albatron Gigi FX5600P Turbo video card
Overclocking was again a nice surprise from Albatron. We were able to raise the core and memory clocks up to 350MHz, respectively 730MHz. We might have had better results with the core clock, but our sample featured the old chip packaging. By overclocking the card, a performance gain up to 12% was achieved or even 20% in UT2003 benchmark

Review Link : TechConnect
Crucial 2x 256MB PC3200
In the modern world of faster and faster CPUs, you need some RAM that can handle very high FSB speeds. Crucial steps forward to provide the RAM you need. Read on to find out more.

Review Link : ASE Labs
Eluminx Illuminated Keyboards
I see the Eluminx Illuminated Keyboards as being targeted more toward the modding enthusiast... Someone who may have spent alot of time and money making their system look totally unique, where a generic keyboard just wouldn't cut it. If you've spent thousands of dollars on building a highly modified, high end computer system, is the price difference between your typical keyboard and the Eluminx really that big of a deal? Not really

Review Link : BigBruin
Aero 7+ from Coolermaster
The fan does run from 1900 - 3500 rpms. And we all know running some fans faster means more noise. Included with the Aero 7+ are the two fan controllers. You can't use them both, but you can use whichever is best for you. One goes in a 3.5" bay next to your floppy drive and the other goes in an open pci slot

Review Link : PCA
Abit IC7-G Max2 i875P Intel Pentium 4 motherboard
Review Link : A1 Electronics
Jab-Tech Digital Doc 5+ Kit Review
On the back of the Digital Doc 5+ towards the left hand side, a small PCB exists for the internal header connections for the dual USB 2.0 ports and the Firewall port. Towards the center of the unit are eight power header (4 on each side) for the fan harnesses. On the inner board lies the EEPROM chip that stores the settings and the alarm buzzer that will sound when any of the settings are exceeded. Towards the right hand side of the PCB is the location of the thermal probe headers starting with header 8 located at the top. These headers connect to the eight thermal probe cables that can be placed under any heat source for temperature monitoring

Review Link : MTB
Gainward Ultra/1200 Plus GeForce FX 5900 128MB VGA
Today, we are going to examine Gainward's GeForceFX 5900 Golden Sample (1200XP). Gainward guarantees that its Golden Sample FX5900 can safely run at 440MHz for the core and 900 MHz for the memory, which is close to FX5900 Ultra speedReview Link : OCNZ
Lan Party Pro 875 Canterwood board by DFI
You'll notice the orange UV-Sensitive color of all of the ports built onto the board, including the P4 cooling cage. This is a very nice touch that goes nicely with the rest of the components they've included in the LANParty package. As with every motherboard review, there's a few area's of interest that we'd like to point out specifically

Review Link : OCA
NVIDIA Detonator FX 44.03 Drivers
There has been a lot of talk lately about NVIDIA cheating on benchmarks with there new Detonator FX drivers so I wanted to do some testing to see how far these claims really went. What I found to say the least was exactly what everyone has been talking about. They say that NVIDIA has been optimizing their drivers to gain higher scores on 3DMark 2003. Basically the way it works is the driver can sense when a benchmark is running and it turns the eye candy down to gain a higher score. In affect you get a better score with worse graphicsLink : CyberCPU
UV Red Acrylic Case
The case was securely packaged after first being wrapped in bubble wrap and then fitted into slots in the foam box ends. The first thing that strikes you when you open the box is a big note taped to the components box stating clearly "Do Not Use Electric Screwdriver". I assumed that the no electric screwdriver instructions are to keep a person from stripping threads. Upon building the case I realized this was a good assumption. If you are in a habit of torquing screws tightly, in assembling this case, change your habits

Review Link : OCIA