Benchmarking… The Real Deal?
Benchmarking was once a way to compare products and their performance. However, recent discoveries, as well as some not-so-recent discoveries have shown that benchmarking is no longer an objective test of product performance. “Optimizations” for specific benchmarks have become a way for a company to better the public view of their products. In a sense, “Benchmarking” has really become Bench“Marketing”. Quite frankly, as an enthusiast and devotee to the computer hardware world, this upsets me.Review Link : Nexus Hardware
Upgrading to Peltier Cooling
Why is the Delay Timer Kit necessary for my system? It's a well-known fact that even if you have the very best water-cooling system chilled with a High-Wattage peltier (i.e. 226W), the CPU Overclock can still fail during computer start-up. The cause of this symptom is of course heat. The CPU is not sufficiently cooled down yet when you first boot the computer. Connecting the dedicated Peltier Power Supply (such as the Mean Well S-320-12) and pump(s) to a surge protector is a common practice, so that the system start-up can be manually delayed. First you turn on the water-cooling and dedicated peltier PSU, wait for couple of minutes and then you start the computer
Link : OCAddiction
Titan TK6500 Case Review
When choosing a case, four important factors must be considered: price, looks, features, and functionality. Does this Titan TK-6500 Case offer the complete package? Will it suit your wants and needs? Enter to read on and find out!
Review Link : The Hw Reviewer
Hexagonal Dual Blue and UV CCFL Kits Review
While some things fail to stimulate me when doing reviews, things that light up, or control noise, do. Well, this is one that lights up. These new hexagonal shaped 12" CCFL's are making their way around here and there to resellers. Jab-tech has them, so I asked for a couple. Keep reading and see what I think of these Dual CCFL kits in blue and UV that I received to show you folks
Review Link : ExtensionTech
HighSpeed PC Athlon XP Unlocking Kit Review
The HighSpeed Athlon XP Unlocking Kit is awesome. The agents that they provide will last a long time and should last up to or more than 25 CPU’s. I successfully unlocked my CPU the third time. Here is proof that it is unlocked. My 1900+ multiplier is originally 12x. Here is it at 8xReview Link : Modsynergy
How-To Fill and Bleed an Inline Water Cooling System
You sit back, quite proud of yourself, and admire your work. Slowly, a dark thought creeps into the recesses of your mind ..... this will all need to be done again in three months when you change your coolant! It is then that you think, "There has got to be a better way". Well, there is a better way!
Review Link : PimpRig
AMS G-Mono Mid Tower Case (White) w/ Window
You may or may not like the physical appearance of the Gmono, it really just depends on your taste. My friends think it is 'blah' but I think it looks pretty decent. So many cases are silver and black, etc. so to me it is nice to see a plain white one finally. Again, whether you like how it looks depends on your personal preference. Let's take a closer look at Mr. Gmono...
Review Link : The Tech Lounge
Project Blue Ice
Well ladies and gentlemen; it's finally time that I am releasing my FIRST full case mod!!! Many of you may have been following Blue Ice from a few of the forums I post in, but this is the real deal… More detail, more pictures, and more depth. I'm very excited to release Blue Ice, as it has taken me a lot of time and effort, and thanks to many-a-sponsor, she's now complete!! Well enough crap… Onto the mod!!...Link : ReviewNation