Tuesday Reviews

Posted on Tuesday, July 15 2003 @ 5:32 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck

AOpen AX4C Max i875P Intel Pentium 4 motherboard
The AOpen AX4C Max motherboard is well thought out with all the necessary connections well placed, including space between the DDR memory slots and AGP slot. For a difference the Battery is fitted upright along the left edge of the motherboard. Again good to see a fan assisted chipset heatsink and there is a heatsink fitted to an essential power MOSFET just above it
Review Link : A1 Electronics

Leadtek A350TDH MyViVO Edition 128MB GeForce FX5900 VGA
There is nothing special about Leadtek A350TDH, standard PCB and heatsink are used; it is just a standard Nvidia FX5900 graphics card. At its current price (~$800NZ), Leadtek A350TDH is one of the cheapest FX5900 around and should compete quite well with ATi's R9800Pro 128MB
Review Link : OCNZ

Cooler Master AeroGate II
AeroGate II is Cooler Master's new 5.25” bay thermal controller that gives you the ability of adjusting and monitoring 4 different temperature areas of your computer; CPU, VGA, HDD and CASE. You not only have control of and vital information but you do it all in absolute style

Review Link : Systemcooling

Enermax Case review
I honestly don't even know where to start on this category as there are so many things that I think warrant mentioning, most of 'em are even good! I'm just gonna randomly throw them at cha rapid fire like.. Let's do it

Review Link : OCAddiction

Albatron Gigi Geforce FX5600EQ review
As you can see from the benchmark results, the Albatron Gigi FX5600EQ didn’t really have the steam to deliver the kind of marks we had half expected to see. Something else that was realized during our testing was the lack of overclocking potential. We muscled with it for about an hour and the best that we were able to hit was a mere 331/410
Review Link : MonkeyReview

Antec Sonata LifeStyle Series Tower
While using this case I wanted to test it for three things: Ease of assembly/disassembly, cooling, and my personal taste on how the case looks. While using the case, I intentionally DID NOT look at the instruction manual in order to see how intuitively designed the Sonata is. Simply enough, if the case requires a huge manual to figure out how everything is installed, then there is a problem, and I wanted a case that could be easily used
Review Link : Viper's Lair

MIPROCOOL-Arctic auf dem Teststand
Hallo, als zweiten CPU-Kühler in unserer Kühlerwoch, haben wir den MIPROCOOL-Arctic. Dieser hat von der Computer Bild, sogar die Auszeichnung "Preis-Leistung-Sieger" bekommen. Ob diese Auszeichnug uns auch überzeugen konnt, lest bitte selber im Bericht nach. Und vergleicht die Werte in den Luftkühler Charts.
Review Link : Caseumbau (German)

Thermaltake Giant II VGA Heat Pipe Cooler Review
All the parts included in the kit are comprised of high quality aluminum with the exception of the heat pipe itself, which is a nickel-plated copper tube. A 24-page instruction manual covers all the details of each component, basic heatsink installation, clip installation for NVIDIA and ATI based video cards, heat pipe installation and fan installation.

Review Link : MTB

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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