Bundled products: Kingston's HyperX 500MHz (PC4000) Modules with ABIT's IC7-G motherboard. Kingston Part Number: KHX4000K2/512
Promotion Period: 7/18/2003 at 6:00 pm through 7/21/2003 at 9:00 am PST. Promotion Details: From July 18th - July 21st, Kingston and ABIT have teamed up to offer an incredible, limited time and quantity bundles to NewEgg.com and GoogleGear.com customers! During this period only, customers purchasing ABIT's IC7-G motherboard with Kingston's 500MHz HyperX 512MB (KHX4000K2/512) module kit will receive an instant $60 rebate! In order to qualify, both products must be purchased together and the order must be placed between 6:00pm PST July 18th and 9:00am PST July 21st. No exceptions, valid in the USA only. Standard terms and conditions apply. |
Buy Kingston HyperX 512MB Kit PC4000 + Abit IC7-G and get $60 rebate!
Posted on Saturday, July 19 2003 @ 17:33 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Kingston is now offering a special rebate action! If you buy their Kingston's HyperX 500MHz (PC4000) Modules together with ABIT's IC7-G motherboard you will get $60 rebate. Pretty interesting if you are from the USA and looking to buy a fine overclocking Canterwood motherboard together with some highend DDR500 memory! But be fast this action ends on 7/21/2003!
These deals are only at Googlegear and Newegg (memory)/Newegg (IC7-G motherboard)!