Posted on Friday, July 25 2003 @ 4:08 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Athlon64 chips will come in three different pin versions : 940 pin, 939 pin and 754 pin. The 754 pin version is single channel, and the 939 pin Athlon 64s are dual channel. But in Q1 2004 the original 940 pin versions will be replaced by a 939 pin version.
The production ratio of these Athlon 64s looks like it might be 9:1 for the 754/940 chips at first. Estimates from sources in AMD South America are that AMD hopes to churn out around 90,000 754s in the third quarter of this year – through its channel partners, rather than direct to its PC manufacturers.
But by Q1 of next year, our Brasilian mole tells us, the ratio between 754/940/939 pin versions of the Athlon 64 could well be something like 40:1:4, showing the displacement of the 940 pin by the 939 pin chip.
AMD may ship a total of 1,500,000 Athlon 64s during that period through its channel partners. Go figure.
Source :
The Inquirer