UPDATE : It is not a new Nforce2 driver.
Damn the information was wrong, Speed^n is not an overclocking utility! The overclocking utility I talked about is going to be released real soon and will be called NVOverclock.
This is from a topic in Hardforum (the forum of [H]ardOCP), thanks to SoniCraze for sharing the information! :
I was at a lan last week and the nvidia rep did a huge demo.Not really that new thus, but still nice a big company like NVIDIA is planning to bring out overclocking software like this! You will be able to change various settings like CPU , Memory, Aux, AGP and Nforce Voltage. You can also adjust the FSB and AGP bus speed, and adjust the CPU fan speed. In the advanced settings you will be able to change the memory and memory controller timings. And all this in a Windows enviroment!
It is basically software that lets you overclock your fsb, memory, even multiplier from a windows enviroment instantly.
Some features will work with current nforce2 boards but the good ones will require hooks to be in the bios and hardware.
Check out this page for some screenshots of it. The screenshots are made in May, so it is possible that the program NVOverclock has changed a lot.