The German site Gamestar writes that ATI will introduce a bundled version of his new GPU (the R360) with Half Life 2! Half Life 2 is planned for the 13th of September, and if you ask me it will be the game of the year again!
The Radeon 9900 PRO from ATI will be released in September, and at the same moment nVidia will introduce his NV38 by the way. These 3D cards don't have any big new features, they are just higher clocked and more tweaked versions than the Radeon 9800PRO and the GeForce 5900 Ultra.
Anybody willing to send over a bundle to me?
Source : Gamestar
Radeon 9900 PRO together with Half Life 2 in September!?
Posted on Monday, August 04 2003 @ 9:06 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck