Ati introduceert nieuwe professionele videokaart

Posted on Wednesday, July 24 2002 @ 11:14 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck schrijft: Tijdens de momenteel gehouden beurs SigGraph 2002 deelt ATi aldaar de nodige tikken uit aan nVidia, en wel met de aankondiging en demonstratie (ATi en Massive renderen real-time 'The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring') van de nieuwe professionele Fire GL X1 videokaart. Gebaseerd op de onlangs gepresenteerde Radeon 9700 Visual Processing Unit (VPU), zoals ATi haar nieuwste GPU noemt, is deze kaart volgens ATi 's werelds eerste professionele grafische kaart met volledig programmeerbare floating point architectuur in OpenGL 2.0 en Microsoft DirectX 9. Ook de acht parallele rendering pipelines zijn een primeur, aldus ATi.

De GL X1 krijgt 256 MB RAM mee en staat gepland voor oktober.
De Fire GL X1 krijgt in ieder geval volgens de specificaties geoptimaliseerde drivers mee voor de belangrijkste CAD en DCC pakketten, en tevens diverse tools: Provides stable and reliable software support for Windows® and Linux® platforms

Includes RENDERMONKEY - ATI's shader tool developed to allow programmers to customize and accelerate shaders

Bundled with Right Hemisphere's Deep Visualizer to provide engineers, designers, artists and animators a simple user friendly tool for hardware acceleration of photo-realistic shaders in leading CAD and DCC software

Bundled with Deep Exploration, a 3D asset management tool for efficient sharing of 3D content across a wide variety of mediums [...] ATI's FIRE GL X1 128-bit full floating point pipeline architecture now makes it possible to compile higher level shaders from leading digital content creation (DCC) software such as Aliaswavefront's Maya®, Discreet's 3ds max(TM), Side Effects Software's Houdini(TM) and Softimage's XSI(TM) onto its graphics accelerator.

[...] The FIRE GL X1 also features dual integrated display controllers with dual monitor support, and quad buffered stereo graphics support that enables stereographic display

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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