I think it's pretty clear that the faster CPUs get, the better benchmark scores you get. Of course, everyone knew this before I wrote this article. Unfortunately, I don't have any of the newest CPUs to test, as I'm sure the SiSoft scores would have been more interesting with an Athlon XP2600+. But in the end, these are just benchmarks. The truth is, between my P4 and AMD systems, I'd be hard pressed to tell you which one is flat out faster. Both pretty much "feel" the same to me in all my PC chores. If you're read our P4 2.4GHz review, you'd know we got a nice 2.754GHz overclock. Although the benchmarks were nice, there wasn't a whole lot of real world performance gained in our day-to-day activities. I don't run any database servers at home, not do I do a lot of video editing, so the extra speed didn't do much for me other than bragging rights on our block.

The differences between the slowest clocked processor and the highest clocked is about 2 frames per second
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