"Corporate customers were telling us they didn't like the level of support they were getting, and in the normal course of business, we made some adjustments," Weisblatt said.Source: PCWorld
Dell's support flip-flop is also a victory for U.S.-based IT workers, said Marcus Courtney, president of the Seattle-based Washington Alliance of Technology Workers. The problems encountered by Dell should show other technology vendors that sometimes "cheaper is not better," Courtney added.
But it may be a short-lived victory. Barry French, another Dell spokesperson, said a portion of the calls from U.S. PC users will still go to India, where support has been handled since mid-2001. He also indicated that Dell may shift all of the support back offshore at some point.
"We are increasing the number of people we have providing support in India," he said. "Dell has a number of call centers around the world, and we will continue to optimize those to provide the best customer experience."
Dell reroutes PC support back to the States

Last week Dell said that they have stopped routing most of the technical support telephone calls from US customers to Indian helpdesk centers. Reason for this are the complaints from users about the bad quality of the help that they were receiving. The support related to the Dell his Optiplex desktop pc line and the Latitude laptops are being moved back to facilities in Texas, Idaho and Tennessee.