Yes we have added a new section on DV Hardware!
A few weeks ago I have added the Review News section, of which you can find the index here. In the reviewnews section I post snippets everyday with links to reviews on other Hardware & tech websites.
Today I have added a new section for download news. The index page for this section can be found here. Lordrazer will keep you guys up-to-date about the latest freeware, shareware, ... that appears on the web day after day.
The latest 10 downloads will be listed on our frontpage, and the latest 15 review news snippets are also listed in a table on our frontpage.
RSS News Feeds
If you like RSS news readers then I got a few links for you: for our frontpage news. for our news about reviews. for our software news.
Search Engine
Another thing is our DVH-site search, you can find it here.
DV Hardware getting bigger and bigger!
Posted on Saturday, December 20 2003 @ 23:31 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck