LGA775 microprocessors from Intel are projected to emerge in the second quarter of the year and enable new speed increases along with some feature-set improvements. Previously it was unclear whether LGA775 chips are compatible with existing infrastructure or not. However, Soltek managed to create a mainboard based on slightly outdated last year’s performance-mainstream i865PE chipset compatible with future processors for Socket T – the new infrastructure for Intel’s land grid array microprocessors.Specifications of the Soltek SL-865Pro-775 mainboard are as follows:
- Supports Socket T Intel Pentium 4, Celeron processors with 533MHz and 800MHz Quad Pumped Bus;
- Supports Intel Hyper-Threading technology;
- i865PE chipset, and ICH5R I/O controller;
- 4 DIMM slots for up to 4GB of PC2700 DDR SDRAM memory. Dual-channel memory bus support: the memory modules should be identical and installed in pairs;
- 5 PCI slots, 1 AGP 8x slot;
- 2-channel ATA-100/66/33 integrated controller;
- 1-channel ATA-133/100/66/33 (Promise PDC20579);
- 2 Serial ATA-150 ports with RAID support (ICH5R);
- 2 Serial ATA-150 ports with RAID support (Promise PDC20579);
- 8 USB 2.0 ports;
- FireWire (IEEE1394) support;
- 10/100/1000Mbit/s Ethernet adapter;
- 6-channel AC’97 audio solution;
- Overclocking/tuning features;
- ATX Form Factor.
Source: X-bit Labs