Special cards will be introduced by, yes, Gainward, a company that will soon be ready with its Cool FX water-cooled card clocked at over 450MHz. We suspect that it may reach over 500MHz. Gainward is still testing its final clock speeds but we are sure that this card will be one of the fastest cards ever produced up to this point.Source: The Inq
Another company which will do this is the ambitious XFX, which will also introduce a limited number of cards clocked at least to 450MHz for the core and close to 1200MHz for the memory. We don't have any idea about its availability.
The third partner will be US only and will be BFG. It has the green light to introduce these 450MHz cards as well.
We don't have any solid date when any of these cards will be available but Gainward should be ready to sample early next week with production in just a week or two beyond that. In this product cycle we expect to see the Radeon X800XT Platinum water cooled producing a nice little fight, we believe
NVIDIA: "No GeForce 6800 Ultra Extreme"
Posted on Wednesday, May 12 2004 @ 20:36 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
The Inquirer reports that NVIDIA has said that the GeForce 6800 Ultra will remain clocked at 400MHz. Sources close to NVIDIA told that they ship them at 400MHz to be able to deliver them in some small volumes, and that the 450+MHz chips will be reserved for special parnters.