To put it rather bluntly, the IT7-MAX2 offers everything the original MAX did, but now adds the ubiquitous PS/2 ports back in to the mix. To ABIT's credit, no high-speed connectivity options have been sacrificed to reinstall the PS/2 ports. What we can gather from this is that the original MAX, with no legacy support, perhaps went a little too far in modernising the motherboard as we know it. It seems as if the motherboard-buying public really do care about those PS/2 ports; I know I was loathed to buy a new USB keyboard for my IT7-MAX.
Review : ABIT IT7-MAX2
Posted on Monday, September 09 2002 @ 16:19 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Hexus has taken a look on Abit's IT7-MAX2 motherboard :