This writer burns at 44x , rewrites at 24x and reads at 44x :
It isn't a huge leap over a 32x drive but an extra 30 s here and there add up in the end if you are burning a lot of CD's. DiscT@2 is a gimmick but hey - it's free and it is quite fun if you can find a CD where it is visible.
The drive retails for about $160 which, IMHO, isn’t that bad. There are cheaper drives and more expensive drives. The fact that it seems more consistent for me with a variety of discs is a big plus since it means I can pick up cheaper discs and not worry about not getting the best out of them.
My final verdict for this drive is a big thumbs up and a score of 8 out of 10 and a Bjorn3D Seal of Approval award