I never expected a huge difference between the different brands of memory at 133 and 166MHz bus, but there was a difference and that's what counts. Pretty much any name brand memory you purchase today is going to run at higher bus speeds without much of a problem. The difference is when running at high bus speeds with your memory settings set for high performance. This is what sets apart generic memory and name brand memory. I've seen a lot of memory over the years, only about one third of it was actually worthy of writing a review on. This experience has taught me a lot about memory. The biggest lesson is to stay away from "discount" or generic memory. Sure it may work fine for grandma to surf the web and check email, but it's not going to be a reliable solution for the Gamer and especially not for the Overclocker.
Review : Crucial 256mb PC2700
Posted on Tuesday, September 17 2002 @ 9:42 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
ClubOC has made a review of 256MB PC2700 DDR Ram from Crucial :