Space Shuttle Discovery will be led by astronaut Eileen Collins, she will be the commander of the first shuttle mission since the dramatic Columbia incident in 2003.
While space shuttles aren't a problem for her - she was the first woman to pilot a space shuttle and later the first female commander - rollercoaster do seem to be a problem for her. It's been 20 years since she last went on a rollercoaster and since then she hasn't set a foot on one.
The same thing goes for water slides. Last summer Collins was waiting with her daughter for a water slide and she stood in the queue line for more than an hour. They got to the top but then Collins looked down and she decided to walk back down the stairs.
Last week NASA announced that the launch of space shuttle Discovery will be delayed till mid-July. The space agency said it wants to improve the safety by adding heaters to the external fuel tanks to prevent the buildup of ice outside the tank.
More info at KLTV
NASA's Eileen Collins commander of Discovery in mid-July