I'll give you a short translation of Hitman Pro version 2.0.12. This program requires Windows 2000 or XP. According to their website, you'll have to uninstall older versions before installing the new one.
The first page speaks for its self: "start", "stop", "configuration". The "surf-right"-button opens up the possibility to deny certain internet programs the permission to make important changes on your system: this is because trojans and viruses sometimes abuse that possibility ("allemaal beveiligen" means: protect all). I'm not a computerexpert, so I can't tell you about all the implications of this setting, for example for your monthly Windows Update etc. You can leave all unchecked if you want, so have I.
If you press "Configuratie", you'll see 4 tabs.
The first tab "profielen" - profiles.
"Aanbevolen instellingen" means: recommended settings.
"Alleen passieve bescherming instellen" means: set passive protection only.
"Aangepaste instellingen" means: adjusted settings (changed by the user, you)
"Doelmap externe componenten" means: folder where to place extern components. "Bladeren" means browse. Leave it at standard.
On the right side is an important setting. It says "uitgebreide inspectie". This means extensive inspection. In this latest version the writer has turned it off by default, so you'll have to switch it on to get a full inspection.
"Computer afsluiten na inspectie" means: switch off after inspection. "Upload..." etc. speaks for itself: it sends information about the scan results to the Hitman Pro team. Uncheck it if you don't like it.
The second tab "schoonmaken" means cleaning. You can check which scan you would like to perform: check all if you like. "Schijfopruiming" means disk-cleaning. This is the basic Windows XP in-built version that cleans your waste-bin, temp-files etc.
The third tab "beschermen" means: protection. Most of it speaks for it self. "Uitschakelen" means: to turn off. "Normaal niveau internetzone" sets your security-settings in IE to normal.
The fourth tab "Updates" speaks for it's self.
Close the configuration-page by pressing the "configuratie"-button. After you press "start" Hitman Pro will start downloading, updating and running the program's you have checked at the "schoonmaken"-tab. Afterwards a browserwindow will open and give you a detailed rapport - sadly in dutch....
By the way, Hitman Pro was in the news this week. It was according to a respectable Dutch consumer organisation the second best anti-spyware tool (succes score: 84%) , after Microsoft Anti Spyware beta (which scored 90%).
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Hitman Pro 2.0.12 anti-spyware - English translation
Posted on Tuesday, May 10 2005 @ 16:34 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck