I'm going to be up-front and frank with my opinion that a full-screen search menu is not the way forward for Windows. Sadly, this is exactly what Microsoft proposes to give us, in an attempt to cater for the tablet and touch device market. As the owner of an iMac running OS X Lion, which features a full-screen application panel, much like an iPad, I can concur that the experience is intrusive and overwhelming on larger monitors as you are stripped of your desktop view and any hopes of multitasking. Having to refocus and pull your eyes from one side of the screen to the other in desperate search of your application is no good thing..
Windows 8 Start screen search shown off
Posted on Thursday, October 20 2011 @ 21:55 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Microsoft shows off the new search functionality of Windows 8's Start Menu, you can check it out at Hexus.