M1697 is ULi’s new generation super K8 PCI Express single chipset designed for high-performance PCI Express based PC systems. The PCI Express can provide higher transmission bandwidth and simplifies PC design at reduced system costs. M1697 supports the AMD Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2 Processors including Socket 754, Socket 939 and Socket 940 CPUs.
The speed of HyperTransport Bus to CPU can reach up to 2.0GT/sec. PCI Express for graphics offers 4GB/sec of peak bandwidth per direction for a x16 link and 8GB/sec concurrent bandwidth. It allows for the highest gaming performance and future digital home graphical user interface without increasing the pin cost for x16 connectors. AMDboard.com, the AMD specialist, is first to have the complete ULi chipset specification over here
ULi M1697 chipset specification
Posted on Thursday, June 09 2005 @ 22:09 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck