What you are looking at is a case made of case fans, Dexian (there's probably a trademark in there somewhere) shelving, nylon cable ties, terminal blocks, nylon motherboard mounts, backplane blanks, screws and wire. Oh, and PC hardware.Lots of pictures can be found over here. Sheesh I'm wondering if you can even use this computer, the noise of 70 80mm fans must be terrible!
Computer case with 70 fans!

Some people use lots of fans to cool their computer but now I came across something extraordinary on Slashdot! A case with a total of 70 fans, covering 95 percent of the case and all running. It might sound exciting but it really does a bad job cooling down the computer. The motherboard temperature is only a bit higher than the ambient temperature but because of the bad CPU cooler and unefficient airflow the processor still reaches 43°C!