While Wall Street is sleeping and Deep Impact is gone diving on the comet, bored puppies are all watching Tour de France where AMD has heavily invested on Turion 64 launcher super champ Lance Armtrong and his Discovery teammates. Going for an incredible seventh title, the Texan marvel will have to pedal a mere 3607Km during 3 long weeks of thirst, falls and crazy mobs shooting to his broken hears: "Vas-y Lance t'es le meilleur !"*. The Tour de France is the third sporting event in the world after Olympic Games and Soccer World Cup, and will be broadcasted to more than hundreds countries for the viewing satisfaction of nearly 5 billions humanoids!
AMDboard.com has more about the interaction between AMD brand name and Discovery Team leader Lance Armstrong and it's all over here.
AMD sponsors Lance Armstrong going for a 7th Tour de France title!