Siemens to launch wooden SK65 Burlwood

Posted on Wednesday, July 06 2005 @ 22:30 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Siemens' upcoming Limited Edition SK65 Burlwood cell phone will feature a wooden cover. The company says each wooden phone will be unique as the trees were subjected to heat, drought and fire, and may even have animal bite-marks.

The cell phone will have all standard SK65 features, including swiveling keyboard and Blackberry e-mail software.

It seems that wooden cell phones are becoming more popular, I wonder how long it will take before the first cell phones with leather cover will go mainstream.

The Limited Edition SK65 Burlwood will be available by the end of July via and some specialty shops. Last year Siemens already introduced the wooden SL55.

Source: Engadget

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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