For those who don't like Modern UI, Microsoft has provided a more familiar desktop environment which can be accessed through the Modern UI Start Screen. While it includes numerous changes over previous releases - most obvious being the complete lack of Start Menu - it is, at least, more suited to a keyboard and mouse. What Microsoft has not provided, however, is a means to force the desktop view as the default: users who don't want to rely on a third-party solution to the problem are left booting up to the new Modern UI and then launching the desktop session from there.
That could be set to change in Windows 8.1, according to details spotted in a dynamic linked library (DLL) file from the leaked Windows 8.1 ISO by Microsoft Portal. Reported and translated into English by WinBeta, the additional code in twinui.dll - the file responsible for switching between the two user interfaces, Modern and desktop - adds a setting labelled 'twinui-CanSuppressStartScreen.'
Windows 8.1 to reintroduce boot-to-desktop?
Posted on Monday, April 15 2013 @ 15:15 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck