Posted on Monday, July 18 2005 @ 5:20 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
As the launch of Internet Explorer 7 is coming closer, Microsoft has urged web developers and managers to run certain tests now to prevent problems when the beta version of IE7 gets launched later this summer. Not much is known about the initial IE7 beta test, besides that it will include tabbed browsing and developer platform advancements.
Developers can expect that much more information will be forthcoming shortly on the company's technical resource site, however, said Gary Schare, director of Microsoft's Internet Platforms and Security Product Management.
"Follow the IE Blog to gain general technical insights about IE 7 directly from the development team," Schare added. "Stay tuned in the coming months as we announce more details."
When of the things developers must prepare for is the UA (user agent) string. Schare said developers must make sure that their sites treat IE7 just like they would IE6.
More details and comments from web developers at