Sources speaking to Taiwan's DigiTimes said earlier this week that Intel has created several price and specification combinations for Android tablets employing its chips. This range includes its $99 Android tablet goal and is as follows; US$99-129 7-inch models, US$149-199 7- to 8-inch models, US$199-249 8- to 10-inch models and US$249 and above 10-inch models.Last year Intel sold between 6 and 7 million tablet chips but this year the chip giant hopes to sell well over 40 million units.
The unnamed sources also said that Intel will be showing off a variety of these tablets at the upcoming CES show. Intel will also reveal new lines of Windows notebooks and 2-in-1s from its partners.
Intel preparing to make big push into Android tablets
Posted on Thursday, January 02 2014 @ 15:32 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck