Posted on Tuesday, February 04 2014 @ 13:36 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Marketshare statistics from Net Market Share reveal that after decent growth in December, the marketshare of Windows 8.x remained flat in January. It was up, but only be a measly 0.07 percent versus December.
Total Windows 8.x marketshare stands at 10.58 percent and most of it is still Windows 8, a mere 37% of Windows 8 users has installed the free Windows 8.1 update.
The browser market was also pretty unexciting:
The big changes were Internet Explorer picking up 0.3 points and Firefox dropping 0.27 points. The rest were little changed—Chrome up 0.06 points, Safari down 0.02 points, Opera down 0.05 points. Without some big event to shake up the desktop browser market, big swings are unlikely.
Source: ARS Technica