Those goals sound an awful lot like the impetus behind AMD's Mantle API, which raises the question of Mantle's future, now that the rest of the industry is pursuing similar initiatives in more collaborative fashion. AMD itself seems to be keenly aware of these issues. The firm has just contacted us with a statement on these matters. Here's what it says:
We saw your "Mantle No More?" article yesterday and AMD would like you to know that it supports and celebrates a direction for game development that is aligned with AMD's vision of lower-level, 'closer to the metal' graphics APIs for PC gaming. While industry experts expect this to take some time, developers can immediately leverage efficient API design using Mantle, and AMD is very excited to share the future of our own API with developers at this year’s Game Developers Conference.
AMD supports bringing DirectX closer to the metal
Posted on Friday, February 28 2014 @ 12:30 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck