Sony PSP firmware 2.0 changelog and details

Posted on Wednesday, July 27 2005 @ 20:25 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Sony today officially released version 2.0 of its Sony PSP firmware in Japan. This version imrpoves the PSP operating system and provides a new official a web browser and many other improvements.

W2S posted a link where you can download this firmware.

The PSP 2.0 firmware can be downloaded here, but it's Japanese so you might need a translator to read the page.

Fortunately, IGN also noticed this and posted the full feature list. They claim the new firmware works on US and Canadian PSPs and they explain you how to install the firmware on your PSP.

Here's the changelog:
  • Revisions to strengthen security were added.
  • An Internet browser was added.
  • Go To was added as a feature under [Video].
    (This applies to UMD Video)
  • A-B Repeat was added as a feature under [Video].
    (This applies to UMD Video and video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • 4:3 Screen Mode was added as a feature under [Video].
    (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • Audio Options was added as a feature under [Video].
    (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • AVC was added as a codec that can be played under [Video].
    (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • Support for Memory Stick PRO Duo was added to [Music].
  • MP4 (AAC) and WAV (LPCM) were added as formats that can be played under [Music].
    (This applies to music data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • Image transfer was added as a feature under [Photo].
  • Wallpaper was added as a feature under [Photo].
  • TIFF, PNG, GIF and BMP were added as image formats that can be displayed under [Photo].
  • Korean was added as an option to [System Language] under [Settings], [System Settings].
  • [Character Set] was added to [System Settings] under [Settings].
  • [Theme Settings] was added under [Settings].
  • WPA-PSK (TKIP) was added as a security method under [Network Settings].
  • Settings for Infrastructure Mode under [Network Settings] were revised to be easier to use.
  • Input modes were added to the on-screen keyboard.
  • Previous Update: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese and Russian were added as options to [System Language] under [Settings], [System Settings].
  • Previous Update: Support to retain the screen mode setting was added under [Video].
    (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • Previous Update: Support to allow resume play after recovery from sleep mode was added under [Video].
    (This applies to video data saved on Memory Stick.)
  • Previous Update: Support to allow resume play of audio tracks after recovery from sleep mode was added under [Music].
  • Previous Update: UMD Music can now be played under [Music].

About the Author

Thomas De Maesschalck

Thomas has been messing with computer since early childhood and firmly believes the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread. Enjoys playing with new tech, is fascinated by science, and passionate about financial markets. When not behind a computer, he can be found with running shoes on or lifting heavy weights in the weight room.

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