So the first big snippet of news is that the performance of Zen came out better than expected. Ryzen will have 52 percent higher instructions per second (IPS) than the Excavator core, which is much higher than AMD's initial target of a 40 percent increase. An amazing achievement that's the culmination of over 2 million hours of engineering.
Here we have a new die shot of the eight-core Ryzen chip. It has 4.8 billion transistors.
AMD's Lisa Su showing off a final retail version of Ryzen. She also revealed there will be at least 82 different AM4 motherboards from AMD partners at launch.
AMD also showed off a Sniper Elite 4 demo that pitted a system with the Ryzen 7 1800X against the Intel Core i7 6900K. The AMD system seemed a bit faster, it achieved higher peak framerates than the Intel system during the duration of the demonstration.
And here we have the price/performance claims (based on CineBench).
Or if you have 25 minutes to spare, here's the entire Ryzen launch video:
And as a bonus, here's a new video clip showing Vega running Star Wars: Battlefront in 4K with Ultra settings.