Posted on Friday, August 26 2005 @ 8:16 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Cable clutter is common in the neighbourhood of computer systems and Intel presented a solution which may partly solve this problem. During the second day of the IDF the chip giant presented the Wireless Universal Serial Bus specification which is a wireless version USB for PCs and consumer electronic devices.
Now in an effort intended to spur adoption of Wireless USB, Intel said it is working with Microsoft, NEC, Philips, Texas Instruments and others on a new specification called the Wireless Host Controller Interface (WHCI). The specification will define a standard method in which a Wireless USB device can communicate with a PC's software, and, executives hope, could accelerate industry development of interoperable Wireless USB products.
The new Wireless USB specification will be compatible with the Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radio platform that can handle data transfers of 110Mbps between devices less than 32 feet apart and a speed of 480Mbps at about 10 feet. More info at