The Best GPS Tracking Software

Posted on Tuesday, October 10 2017 @ 15:25 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Where is your stuff now? Those who are not in office might be completing certain extra urgent tasks, like holding meetings with partners or delivering orders to clients. That is an important part of their duties which employees definitely take super serious.

But how can managers be sure those workers are not wasting company’s money? What if their tasks have been done hours ago and now they are chilling somewhere or sleeping at the back sit of the company’s car parked somewhere in the urban area? This is the case when you should think of referring to Uboro fleet GPS tracking software which is the wisest thing managers can do.

Driving car

Uboro is User-Friendly
Even those who rarely deal with various software issues can easily cope up with installing and using Uboro. It works with most types of GPS equipment. Designers have worked the whole interface thoroughly making it super easy to control several objects at a time.

Uboro is Cheap
Companies often sell their trackers with at least a yearly plan. This is not our case, with Uboro you will get 90 days of free trial and only after that you may decide if you want adding it to company’s budget or not.
Uboro Meets our Needs
Here we came to the most interesting part of working with this innovative software. Most of GPS trackers look like a plastic box installed in a car and plugged into accumulator unit or charged from a battery.

But what if a courier rides a bike or has no vehicle at all? In this case Uboro offers a simple and cheap way out. Companies are offered to install tiny apps into employees’ smartphones that imitate these GPS trackers. The app works with all Android smartphones and soon an iOS version will be launched.

Map with destinations

Together with it this tracking software can be adjusted with any device users wish, like:
  • temperature probe,
  • fuel tank gauge unit,
  • speed counter.
  • Technically any device can be adjusted for thorough monitoring. It depends on client’s demands only.

    Uboro Provides Online Reports
    What is great about this software - clients get complete reports on demand within a few seconds. Actually, all data are updating live and you can easily check any information you want simply logging in the account.

    Managers can see all shifts and movements of their employees, together with time code, lists of areas they enter and exact time spent there. Additionally they get data on those details they choose, like gas expenditure, temperature, distance or any other chosen characteristic.

    After comparing Uboro software with about a dozen of others we can be sure this one is the cheapest, handiest and reliable way to keep your employees under control.