The first two pages of their review are quite normal but on page three it gets quite interesting with their stress test! They decided to see how well built the iPod nano is by really torturing it. First they try sitting on the device - without much effect. The second test was jogging and dropping the nano onto a sidewalk. The iPod nano still worked perfectly so they decided to drop it out of a car window while driving 10mph. At 20mph the device still worked and after doing the same test at 30mph the only problem with the player were some cosmetic scratches, mostly on the front of the device.
The device still played perfectly to the guys from Ars repeated the same test, but at 50mph. It made an impressive slide and tumble, but again this only resolved in some scratches.
Surprisingly the iPod nano still works so its time to move on with another test; dropping it from about 9 feet. After this test the nano started to act abnormally.. The display was a bit fucked up but it was still capable to play music.
Ars was a bit disappointed the device still worked so they ran over it with a car. After this test the LCD display still worked but it showed some nasty vertical lines and miraculously it was still able to play music! After driving over it a second time the iPod nano's display was broke but even then it still played music. Eventually, the reviewer was getting desperate so he throw it as high as he could and let it land on concrete and finally the nano gave the ghost. Pretty impressive how well the iPod nano is built and to end Ars decided to do a little autopsy on the player..
You can read it here.