The E-Disk Ultra320 SCSI can operate from -60 degrees centigrade to +95 degrees centigrade and is designed to handle operating shock of up to 1500 Gs, making it an ideal storage solution for scientific missions and reconnaissance flights where data recording opportunities are critical. This pure solid state/non-volatile drive is OS independent and is targeted to provide up to 42 microsecond access time, 12,500 IOPS (max) and 2 million hours MTBF. Sustained R/W rate is 44 MB/sec (max) and burst R/W rate is 320 MB/sec (max).
Available in a 3.5-inch form factor, maximum capacity for the E-Disk Ultra320 SCSI is pegged at 155 GB. The completely bootable drive comes with either a half pitch DB68 or SCA-2 ANSI compliant connector and does not require any device driver for proper operation.
"The ruggedized version of the E-Disk Ultra320 SCSI flash drive brings solid-state storage to the next level by reaching extremes in performance and durability," says Rudy Bruce, President of BiTMICRO Networks. "Reconnaissance flights and commercial scientific expeditions, especially those performed in the polar regions, can cost thousands if not millions of dollars. By relying on BiTMICRO solutions, scientists can be assured that critical info will not go to waste as a result of a defective storage device," Bruce adds.
In the future it is expected SSDs will take over marketshare of normal HDDs. This already happened last week when Apple launched its iPod nano which features flash memory instead of a mini HDD.