When Windows on ARM was first introduced back at Qualcomm's Snapdragon Technology Summit in 2016, the official messaging was that 64-bit emulation was never going to happen. That messaging has changed, as we reached out to Microsoft for this story, and a company spokesperson said that there's nothing to share at this time.However, 32-bit emulation will continue to be faster than 64-bit. The 32-bit emulation uses WOW64, the same thing that x64 versions of Windows use to run 32-bit software. The 64-bit emulation thing will have to be something new. It's unknown when this will happen, but sometime in the future Windows on ARM will be able to run all Windows software.
Microsoft prepping x64 emulation for Windows on ARM
Posted on Friday, November 15 2019 @ 20:34 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck