Posted on Sunday, September 25 2005 @ 11:10 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
posted some more details about Nintendo's Revolution console. This information was leaked by someone who works for Factor 5 and who already leaked nearly dead on specs of the Xbox 360 console earlier this year:
A multithreaded PowerPC 2.5 GHz with 256 KB L1 cache and 1 MB of L2 cache (diff from the dual-core 1.8GHz CPU with 512KB L2 cache we heard about before), a Physical Processing Chip (PPU) with 32MB of dedicated RAM, 512MB of system RAM (we heard it would have 256MB of main DRAM before), a custom ATI “RN520” 600MHz CPU with 256MB of RAM (that’s about what we’d heard, but 128MB of RAM). Apparently the device will support external resolutions up to 2048 x 1268 though HD support is still as yet undecided, and it will have 7.1 surround, too.