Posted on Monday, November 23 2020 @ 15:36 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
We missed it by Windows turned 35 a couple of days ago!
Engadget points out the first version of Windows was released on November 20th, 1985. Since the launch of Windows 1.0, a lot has changed in the IT industry. These days Windows is the most popular desktop and laptop computer operating system, Linux and macOS don't even come close in the consumer market. Despite this, Windows no longer reigns supreme as Microsoft failed to capture the mobile market. That market belongs almost entirely to Google's Android and Apple's iOS.
Windows 1.0 was released on November 20th, 1985, though, chances are most of you don’t have fond memories of it. If you have memories of it at all. It was received poorly by critics, in part because Windows 1.0 wasn’t an operating system, but more of a GUI tacked on top of MS-DOS. But Windows has come a long way since those humble beginnings, from the highs of Windows 95 and XP, to the more infamous versions like Vista, Windows ME and Windows 8.