The HVD player/recorder machines as well as the first-generation writeable discs that can store 200G bytes will go on sale from next June for the enterprise storage market, and HVD players accompanied by 100G-byte read-only HVD discs should be available for the consumer market in 2008. The new 200GB HVD media will be available for around US $80-100. Moreover, the first HVD drives will be priced at US $30000.Optware is also planning to release 30GB credit card sized discs and memory card sized devices that store up to 5GB. These will possibly be released in early 2007. More details can be read over at CDR Info.
Optware's 200GB HDV disc coming in 2006
Posted on Friday, October 28 2005 @ 6:25 CEST by Thomas De Maesschalck
Optware announced the first generation of its Holographic Versatile Disc (HDV) will be available in the United States market by Summer 2006. Initially these DVD-sized disks will be able to store 200GB but there are plans for 1TB disk too.