Posted on Friday, November 11 2005 @ 1:17 CET by Thomas De Maesschalck
Some internal Microsoft memos written by Bill Gates and chief technical officer Ray Ozzie have leaked onto the internet. The memos highlight the company's concern over the loss of their leadership position and the need for action.
Ozzie's memo, dated last month and sent to senior staff, said that the company had failed to achieve leadership in key areas of internet technology.
By way of an introduction to Ozzie's memo Gates stated that Microsoft is facing a "sea change" and predicts, somewhat ironically, that Ozzie's call to action will be as important as the memo Gates wrote five years ago which warned of an "internet tidal wave".
Ozzie picks on all the usual threats, including Apple, Google and Skype, in a manner suggesting that he believes the firm needs to focus on the "enemy" to stir itself to greater action.
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